Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 10: Homeward bound

Again our day started way to early with an alarm at 3:50am. I swear people just shouldn’t be up this early for ANYTHING! We managed to get ourselves together and out the door. (Joe actually opted to stay awake all night again so it was only me who had to deal with a 3:50 alarm!) We got to the bus and headed to the airport. This time the trip only took 20 minutes since there wasn’t so much traffic.

Joe and I slept through most of the flight and sadly that meant I missed flying over the Swiss alps! (boo!) The flight was just fine, got to Billund 20 minutes early so we had no problems catching the 11am bus back to Kolding. It was nice to be back pretty early because that allowed us the whole afternoon to relax and take a nap.

Our second trip was really awesome and amazing. Overall I would say that I liked Barcelona a lot better than Rome but I also enjoyed many aspects of Rome. Barcelona felt more relaxed, the atmosphere of the city was light and fun and of course the beach was amazing! Rome was also fun but in different ways. I really enjoyed learning more about Roman history and seeing so many of the ruins from that time period. Joe and I found Rome to be more chaotic though. Things just didn’t seem to run as smoothly in Rome and I swear we took our lives in our hands every time we crossed the street. Rome had a very different feel to it and I’m not sure I would choose to go back there. I would certainly pick other places in Italy before visiting Rome again but I do think it was a great experience and I did enjoy our time there.

I feel so grateful that Joe and I had the opportunity to travel to 7 major cities so far on this trip. We’re hoping to maybe hit Hamburg for a weekend trip next weekend but we don’t have anything planned for sure yet. We’re also planning a day trip to Copenhagen to go to some museums that we missed when we were there for my birthday. It’s been wonderful to see and explore new places and I love that we were able to fit so much in while I’ve been here. What am amazing summer this has been and it will certainly be one I treasure forever.

More adventures to come. Sadly I only have 3 more weeks left in Europe with Joe. I still feel like there’s so much I want to do and see and might not get to it all, but even if I don’t this has been the best summer ever! Despite the fact that it’s hard to be 4000 miles apart from each other this summer has been one of the benefits of Joe being here in Denmark. I’m looking forward to doing more fun things in the last few weeks I’m here so I’ll report more as we have our adventures.

Love from Amanda


  1. WOW! Amanda, what wonderful stories and pictures about your trip! I am impressed that you two saw so much in such a relatively short time. So glad you ha the chance to be in europe for such a long time and see human-kind's history up close. What a treasured memory this will be for you for the rest of your life. Love, Mom

  2. Thanks mom! It was so much fun! I will treasure it forever! :) An awesome experience for sure! :)
