Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 5: Parc de La Ciutadella, Picasso and you guessed it, the beach :)

Our final day in Barcelona started with a trip to the bus station to make sure we were set to go for our trip to the airport the following morning. Everything was set and so we headed over to one of our destinations for the day, the Picasso museum. On the way we wandered through the Parc de La Cituadella. This park is another park in Barcelona and even though we didn’t see much what we did see was beautiful.

Some of the park

One of the fountains at the park

With Joe

And with me :)

After some map checking and wandering around little side streets we finally made it to the Picasso museum. The line was really long but thankfully moved quickly. We got to see a lot of Picasso’s early works and some of his later works as well. It was really interesting to see how much his style changed over time. He actually had very beautiful, clean and simple paintings in the beginning and then they became more abstract and avant-garde. It was cool to see the progression though! We also saw a temporary exhibit about Picasso and Rusinol. Picasso studied with Rusinol and so it was cool to see their works side by side.

The sign for the museum

We found a little place for some lunch and had some burgers and fries and then headed back to the hotel to get ready for one last trip to the beach. We took full advantage of the sun and the water and went swimming several times and soaked up some rays. An interesting thing happened at the beach today, there were actually some pretty big waves. Nothing like the ocean but the Mediterranean is usually very calm but for several minutes big waves came crashing in, along with the tide possibly. People at the front edge of the beach got a little wet so it may have been related to the tide, but it was kind of funny to see people not really know what to do with the waves. The water was still excellent for wading around so it wasn’t anything to deter you from swimming. Our time at the beach was so wonderful! I really do hope that someday I can come back to the Mediterranean! It doesn’t necessarily have to be Barcelona (though I do think Barcelona ranked as my number 1 city of those we visited) but I don’t want that to be the last time I swim in and enjoy the Mediterranean Sea!

We grabbed an easy dinner ay Burger King since we had such a late lunch and walked along the boardwalk one last time before heading back to the hotel. I was sad to think we’d be leaving Barcelona the next morning but was also looking forward to our experiences in Rome. Back at the hotel I got a very hours of sleep before our 4am wake up call to get up to the bus by 5am. (I told you that first day wasn’t the earliest we’d be up and traveling! Let me tell you though, no one should be going anywhere that early in the morning!)

So long Barcelona and here we come Roma!!!!!!

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